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Pakistan Army BGM-71 Tow Anti Tank Missiles

BGM-71 Tow Anti-tank Missiles

The US BGM-71 Tube-Launched Optically Tracked Wire-Guided (Tow) Anti-Tank Missile Currently Holds The Record For Most Tank Destroyers In The World.

The Missile System Dates Back To Before The Vietnam War. The Anti-tank System Were Entered The US Service In 1970 And Was Used By The US Military To Destroy 24 Vietnam People's Liberation Army Tanks at The End Of Vietnam Battle.

Israel Has Since Successfully Used It Against Lebanon. In The Iran-Iraq War, The Iranian Military Destroyed Several Iraqi Helicopters And Tanks By Equipping Its Cobra Helicopters With This Anti-tank System.

Dozens Of Versions Of This System Have Been Made But Here We Will Only Talk About The Version That Pakistan Army Has.

The BGM 71B (Tow-2B FR) Is Actually An Upgraded Version Of The Earlier Tow 71A Which Was Introduced Into The US Service In The 1980s.

It Uses a More Powerful Rocket-Propelled Missile Than The Previous System, Which Can Hit A Range Of Up To 4Km Day And Night.

The Missile Contains About 6kg Of Explosives That Could Break Through A 900mm Steel Wall.

Pakistan Received Its First Shipment During The Afghan War, While The Last Consignment Was Received In 2007.

Since All The Missiles Found During The Afghan War Had Near To expired, These Missile Were Used In Experiments And Some Missiles Had Been Used By Pakistan Armed Forces On The Line Of Control (LOC) To Retaliate Against Indian Military.

While All The Missile Systems Received By Pakistan In 2007 Are The Part Of Pakistan Army's Most Powerful Regiment, Whereby The Pakistani Military's Heavy Anti-tank Battalions (HAT) Was Established.

This Anti-tank Missile System Has So Far Successfully Destroyed T-72 And T-90 Tanks., The Indian Army Has Similar Tanks.The Pakistan Army Does Not Have A Large Number Of These Missiles, Therefore, Pakistan Made Up For This Shortfall By Developing Self-Propelled Anti-tank Missiles.

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