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The Truth Behind the Titan Submersible Implosion: How a Titanic Adventure Turned into a Nightmare

Titanic Submersible Impole facts

What Is Submersible?

A submersible is a small underwater vehicle that can dive to great depths, but needs a support ship on the surface to launch and recover it. A submersible can implode, or collapse inward, if the pressure of the water outside becomes too high for the hull to withstand. This can happen if the submersible has a structural failure, a leak, or goes beyond its maximum depth limit.

  • Who built Titanic Submersible?

The Titan submersible was operated by OceanGate, an American tourism and expeditions company, and was part of an expedition to survey the wreck of the Titanic. On June 18, 2023, the Titan imploded during its descent in the North Atlantic Ocean, about 370 nautical miles (690 km) off the coast of Newfoundland, Canada. The submersible, carrying five people, was at a depth of about 12,500 feet (3,800 meters) when it lost contact with its mother ship, the Polar Prince. The US Navy detected a sound that matched an implosion around that time. After a four-day search, a remotely operated underwater vehicle (ROV) discovered a debris field containing parts of Titan, about 500 meters (1,600 feet) from the bow of the Titanic. All five people on board were killed instantly by the implosion. 

The victims of the Titanic submersible implosion

Titanic Submarine Disaster Victims

Stockton Rush

Stockton Rush Was The OceanGate CEO and founder, who was piloting the vessel. He was an aerospace engineer and explorer who wanted to make the ocean accessible to everyone .

Hamish Harding

Hamish Was The Harding British businessman and explorer, who held several Guinness World Records, including one for the longest time spent traversing the deepest part of the ocean on a single dive. He was also a space tourist and a conservationist .

Shahzada Dawood And Suleman Dawood

Shahzada Dawood and his son Suleman Dawood Pakistani billionaires from a prominent business family. They were British citizens who lived in Dubai. They were passionate about adventure and exploration .

Paul-Henri Nargeolet

Paul-Henri Nargeolet Was A French diver and Titanic expert, who had been on more than 35 dives to the Titanic wreck site. He was the director of underwater research for RMS Titanic, Inc., the company that owns the salvage rights to the wreck .

They were all part of an expedition to survey the Titanic wreck site, which was supposed to last for six weeks and involve 54 dives. They paid $250,000 each for the opportunity to see the Titanic up close. They were on their first dive when the Titan submersible imploded on June 18, 2023, killing them instantly. Their bodies have not been recovered yet, as they are buried under tons of debris at a depth of about 12,500 feet (3,800 meters). Their families and friends have expressed their grief and shock over the tragedy, and have called for a thorough investigation into the cause of the implosion.

How deep was Titan when it imploded?

According to the news reports the Titan submersible was at a depth of about 12,500 feet (3,800 meters) when it imploded. This is about 500 meters (1,600 feet) from the bow of the Titanic, which lies at a depth of about 13,000 feet (4,000 meters). The Titan submersible was designed to dive as deep as 4,000 meters (13,123 feet), but it seems that something went wrong during its descent and caused a catastrophic failure of its hull. The pressure at that depth is about 380 times the atmospheric pressure at sea level, which means that the submersible would have been crushed instantly by the water. The debris field of the Titan submersible was found about 500 meters (1,600 feet) from the Titanic's bow by a remotely operated underwater vehicle (ROV)

What is the cause of titan submersible implosion 

The cause of the implosion is still under investigation by multiple authorities, including the US Coast Guard, the Transportation Safety Board of Canada, and OceanGate. Some industry experts had raised concerns about the safety and certification of the Titan submersible before the incident. The Titan was made of carbon fiber and titanium, and had a single button to control its ascent and descent. It had no seats or windows inside, except for a porthole to view the Titanic. Each passenger paid $250,000 for the expedition.

Who is the responsible for titan submersible disaster?

The Titan Submersible Implosion: A Tragic Loss for the World of Titanic Research and Adventure.

The Titan submersible incident is one of the worst maritime disasters in recent history, and has sparked debates about the ethics and risks of underwater tourism and exploration.

OceanGate had claimed that it had collaborated with experts from Boeing, NASA, and the University of Washington in designing and building the Titan submersible, but these entities have denied or clarified their involvement in the project. Boeing said it was not a partner on the Titan and did not design or build it. NASA said it only consulted OceanGate on materials and manufacturing for the Titan, but did not conduct any testing or manufacturing involving its workforce or facilities. The University of Washington said it only had a limited research agreement with OceanGate that ended early, and that it only provided testing tanks for OceanGate to use, without any feedback or involvement from its researchers. Therefore, it seems that OceanGate was mainly responsible for the design and construction of the Titan submersible, with little or no input from other industry partners.

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